To capture images in my applications, I use the VideoCapture class of the EmguCV library, an OpenCV wrapper for .NET.
To choose a specific camera, you need to supply an index value. But getting this number is not straightforward, and as this number can change over time, it might break your application in the future.
So, what if we could use the actual name of the camera instead of the index value?
In this article I will show how to achieve this.
This post will be about a new sample of using “Sandboxable”.
We will walk through the steps to create a Microsoft Dynamics CRM plug-in that on deletion of any record, stores the deleted data as a file on Azure blob storage.
A while back I've introduced Sandboxable. It's a means to use NuGet packages that normally are not available for code that runs with Partial Trust.
In this post, we will walk through the steps to create a Microsoft Dynamics CRM plug-in that will add a message to an Azure queue.
I would like to introduce to you Winvision’s first open source project: Sandboxable.
Sandboxable enables your project to utilize functionality provided by other (Microsoft) libraries that normally are not available in a Partial Trust environment like the Microsoft Dynamics CRM sandbox process.
The project offers modified NuGet packages that will run with Partial Trust.