Using Docker images for your Azure web app is not brand-new functionality. But if you want to deploy your container-based web app using ARM templates and use your own Azure container registry, you might discover it's not as straightforward as you might think.
In this article we will walk through the steps how we can make a connection to the container registry. In the end we will also make sure we do not have to pass along the password during the deployment.
When working with ARM Templates, chances are you have set a value that was a Storage Account Connection String. For example as the value of an appsetting, or as a secret in Azure Key Vault, which I did as an example in a previous blog post.
However, this does not result in the most maintainable and readable piece of JSON. Even worse if you have multiple connection strings in the same template.
In this article I will show that adding a User-Defined Function to our template can improve on this.
The other day I wanted to configure Application Logging on Blob Storage for a Web App Service and found out this needs a SAS URL. And this is something an ARM template can’t provide for you.
In this post, I will walk you through the necessary PowerShell code to run.
When I start on a project that uses Azure resources, one of the first things I do is build the infrastructure and automate the deployment using VSTS or TFS.
In this post I‘ll explain how you can extend Azure Web Apps with Virtual Applications and Virtual Directories using ARM templates.