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An addition to the Project Server 2007 SDK

Currently I’m working on a project which uses Microsoft Project Server 2007. However, the SDK is poorly documented. Today I was looking at the Admin web service which can be used to configure settings on the server. In this article I am not going in to detail how to do this yourself, but the details that I have discovered.

I have researched the connection between PWA’s Task Settings and Display page and the properties on the StatusingSettingsRow class which were not described. See the following image:

Screenshot of "Task Settings and Display"

So, in addition to the SDK:

WADMIN_DEFAULT_TRACKING_METHODSpecify the default method for reporting progress or tasks, and whether the tracking mode should be enforced on all projects.1 = Hours of work done per period.
2 = Percent of work complete.
3 = Actual work done and work remaining.
WADMIN_IS_TRACKING_METHOD_LOCKEDForce project managers to use the progress reporting method specified above for all projects. 
WADMIN_PROTECT_ACTUALSRestrict updates to Project Web Access. 
WADMIN_STAT_ENABLE_DOWNLOADEnable ActiveX Gantt view for all users. 
WADMIN_STAT_LOOK_AHEADCurrent tasks are those tasks which are not older than or further in the future more than this number of days. 
WADMIN_STAT_TIMESHEET_TIEDTime entry by Timesheet only. Users will sync to update tasks. 
WADMIN_TS_DEF_ENTRY_MODE_ENUMSpecify how you want resources to report their hours.0 = Resources should report their hours worked every day.
1 = Resources should report their total hours worked for a week.
WADMIN_WEEK_START_ON_ENUMWeek starts on this day.0 = Sunday
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday